2022年9月29日-10月1日,「自由民主人權的保衛戰——2022年中國民主化國際媒體研討會」在德國柏林庫達姆101酒店(Ku’ Damm 101 Hotel Berlin)舉行,由歐洲之聲理事會主辦,民主中國陣線總部協辦。會議形式採用傳統會議與網絡視頻會議相結合,使現場直觀活躍氛圍與跨越疆域的雲視頻互動,並通過YouTube實況傳播,讓捍衛自由民主人權的聲音傳遍萬水千山。出席會議的有:來自美國、英國、法國、德國、臺灣、荷蘭、印度、日本、澳大利亞、香港、中國等國家和地區的六十餘名政治家、學者、人權專家與民運人士等,全體與會者討論並通過此《柏林會議共識》。

Berlin Conference Consensus 2022
The conference “Defending Freedom, Democracy and Human Rights — 2022 International Media Symposium on China’s Democratic Future“ was held at the Ku’Damm 101 Hotel in Berlin, Germany from September 29th to October 1st, 2022. It was hosted by Sino Euro Voices e.V. and co-organized by the Federation for a Democratic China. The conference took place both in person and online. It was broadcast live on YouTube. Over 60 participants participated in presence or online. They were politicians, scholars, human rights experts and pro-democracy activists from the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Taiwan, the Netherlands, India, Japan, Australia, Hong Kong, China and other countries and regions. After discussion, the participants agreed to adopt the “Berlin Conference Consensus“.
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has lasted for more than half a year and there is still no end in sight. This war reminds us of the crimes committed by the former Soviet Union, whose disintegration Putin has called a “geopolitical catastrophe”; likewise the CCP’s military aircraft have in recent months frequently crossed the middle line of the Taiwan Strait. Like the Russian attack against Ukraine, such actions seriously jeopardize the peaceful and democratic environment in Taiwan. The former cold war threatens to turn into a terrifying real war. With their belligerent ambitions, China and Russia are challenging human civilization and denying the values of freedom, human rights and democracy. Their aggressive actions undermine the order of world peace and stability since World War II, and seriously violate the Charter of the United Nations, the Declaration of Human Rights and the two major international Human Rights Conventions.
The 21st century is in a turbulent and crisis-ridden moment of confrontation between the US-European democratic alliance and the Sino-Russian autocracy, a contest between democracy and autocracy. The world faces a harsh and cruel reality: defending the values of freedom, democracy and human rights is the only choice of a modern civilized society. It is everyone’s responsibility to protect freedom and democracy and safeguard world peace. This is consistent with the goal of the democratic movement in its effort to build up constitutional democracy in China.
Every Chinese should condemn aggression and oppose “reunification with Taiwan through military force.” The people of Taiwan are nobody’s enemies. All people are equal, all nations and regions have the right to enjoy freedom. Conflicts and disputes could be settled by rational means. The world does not accept barbaric aggression and bloody slaughter. People of the world and the Chinese democracy activists love peace, oppose war. This is also the consensus of the people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.
Under the autocratic dictatorship of the CCP, China’s human rights issues have been piling up:
Genocide in Xinjiang continues: The recent UN Report presented a clear assessment on mass arbitrary detention, forced labour, sexual and gender-based violence, birth prevention measures, family separation, and other abuses which it said “may constitute international crimes, in particular crimes against humanity”.The notorious “re-education camps“
have detained over 1 million Uyghurs and other Turkic peoples. These are modern „concentration camps“.
In Hong Kong, the National Security Law overrides Hong Kong’s Basic Law, seriously damaging Hong Kong’s free and legal order. “One Country, Two Systems“ does not exist any more.
The repression in Tibet is still severe. Countless Tibetans are arrested, imprisoned, tortured and even sentenced to death. The “sinicization” of the language, culture, and religion in Tibet and southern Mongolia is becoming more and more violent.
China has revived aspects of the totalitarian-style dictatorship of Mao Zedong. The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is due to be held in October this year. Xi Jinping will be “elected“ as the highest leader and most powerful man in China for a third term and possibly for the rest of his life. This clearly offends even CCP understandings and rules. Dissident voices are crushed, people are sent to jail for their opinions. Dissidents, rights defenders, religious figures etc. are falling to the bottom of society.
United we stand. All ethnic groups must unite to fight against tyranny and savagery. With the people in Hong Kong, the Uyghurs in Xinjiang, the Tibetans and southern Mongolians, we stand together. We support the people of Ukraine at this time. We support the people of Taiwan to defend against aggression and invasion from China! Taiwan has shown solidarity to Ukraine when the Russian invasion started in February. Now we want also show our solidarity to endangered Taiwan. We demand worldwide all the governments, the NGOs, the media or individuals to take action in defending the freedom and democracy in Taiwan. Let the people continue their peaceful and prosperous lives on the beautiful island of Taiwan.