薩爾曼 拉什迪獲得德國書業和平獎。
2023 年 10 月 22 日,法蘭克福匯報
沒有什麼可以阻止薩爾曼·拉什迪。不是 1989 年伊朗革命領袖阿亞圖拉 霍梅尼判處他死刑的全球追殺令。也沒有去年夏天的紐約的持刀攻擊,他勉強倖存,但失去了一隻眼睛。拉什迪毫不畏懼地繼續他的道路。他繼續寫小說,從而頌揚了作為說故事者的生存藝術:同時,這也是文學戰勝死亡的有力佐證。
拉什迪不會被德黑蘭的毛拉壓垮。他這樣做並不是帶著一種傲慢的感覺。他知道,無論他生或死,言語的力量都將戰勝宗教狂熱。他冒著生命危險寫作。Salman Rushdie反駁了追殺令,他希望創作一個從小就熟悉印度神話故事的人的故事。
History will remember this moment.
Salman Rushdie receives the Peace Prize of the German Book Industry. Closing of the Frankfurt Book Fair 2023Salman Rushdie to his enemies in the world: “I am already planning my hundredth birthday”.
The Indian-British writer accepted the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade. In his acceptance speech, he was unbending. He would continue to fight for the freedom of the word.
Roman Bucheli, Frankfurt am Main Oct. 22, 2023
Nothing could stop the poet Salman Rushdie. Not the fatwa of 1989, with which the Iranian revolutionary leader Ayatollah Khomeiny condemned him to death. Nor the knife attack last summer, which he narrowly survived but lost an eye in. Undaunted, Rushdie continued to go his way. He continued to write his novel, celebrating the art of survival as a storyteller: it was also a triumph of literature over death.
Rushdie does not allow himself to be silenced by the mullahs in Tehran. He does not do it in a gesture of arrogance. He knows that the power of the word will prevail against religious fanaticism, regardless of whether he survives or dies. He writes at the risk of his life. Against the fatwa, Salman Rushdie has set and continues to set the fabulousness of someone who became familiar with the stories from Indian mythology as a child.
The Indian-British poet was awarded the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade on Sunday in the Paulskirche in Frankfurt, precisely in view of his relentlessness coupled with virtuosity and linguistic wit. The jury’s statement said the prize honored the work of “one of the most passionate advocates of freedom of thought and language. Rushdie defended “an essential prerequisite for peaceful coexistence” at great personal risk.
With wit against tyrants
Rarely has the congenial meeting of author and venue been so evident as this year. Even if its post-war reconstruction lacks any historical aura, Frankfurt’s Paulskirche is a reminder of the birth of democracy in Germany. In 1848, the first all-German parliament met here, which, despite its failure, marked a decisive stage on the way to the realization of the people’s rights and thus, in particular, the freedoms guaranteed by fundamental law.
With Salman Rushdie, a poet was honored on Sunday in the venerable Paulskirche who, like few others from our time, defends the freedom of the poetic and political word – even that of the opponent – as the highest good of democratic society. The word, however, serves Rushdie less as a weapon than for his wit: he counters the humorlessness of the old and new tyrants – like Heine once or the Chinese Liao Yiwu today – with the gentle and at the same time wicked wit of the virtuoso storyteller.