My name is Andreas Bummel and I’m the Executive Director of Democracy Without Borders.
We join this vigil to commemorate the victims of the Tiananmen protests of 1989.
The demands of the 89 Democracy Movement remain on the agenda.
Democracy is a universal human right.
Without democracy, there are no human rights.
我叫 Andreas Bummel,是民主無國界組織的執行主任。
我們加入這場紀念活動,緬懷 1989 年天安門抗議活動的遇難者。89民運的訴求仍在議事日程上,都還沒有實現。
We express our solidarity with all victims of the oppressive one-party regime of the Chinese Communist Party – today and in the past – in mainland China, Tibet, Xinjiang, Hong Kong and everywhere.
We have great respect for the courage and determination of all those who take risks to oppose this regime and stand up for human rights and democracy in China. We are convinced that their courage and determination will prevail. Our thoughts are with all political prisoners and their families. They must be released.
Democratic governments across the world should make no mistake. The regime of the Chinese Communist Party is a threat to world peace.
We stand with Taiwan which is one the world’s best developed democracies.
We believe in a democratic future of China.