(編者按:今天是劉曉波先生逝世六週年,全球各地都有紀念活動。紐約新成立的六四紀念館舉行劉曉波逝世六週年追思會。本文是獨立中文筆會會長、民主中國主編蔡楚 Cai Chu 先生的網絡發言致詞)
Liu Xiaobo did three major things in his life
- 六四”聲援學生成為黑手
Supported “June 4th” students democratic movement and became “black hands”
- 創建和發展獨立中文筆會 Established and developed the independent Chinese PEN Center
- 鞏固和發展民主中國網刊, 用以身殉道的方式來弘揚《零八憲章》。
Strengthened and developed the “Democratic China” Electronic Journal and drafted and promoted “Charter 08”, which sacrificed his own life.
Independent Chinese PEN Center (ICPC) was founded in July 2001. Liu Xiaobo and I are among the 31 founders of ICPC. Liu Xiaobo was Twice elected president from 2003 to 2007. During Xiaobo’s tenure as the ICPC president, on October 30, 2004 and January 2, 2006, he organized PEN Freedom of Writing Award Ceremony in Beijing , the Lin Zhao Memorial Award was established in 2006 in ICPC’s second meeting.
而且,筆會還於2005年4月23日下午,在成都召開討論會, 向劉賓雁先生和所有海外流亡人士致敬。當時,北京、成都、南京、貴陽等地筆會成員,都用讀書活動的名義宣揚憲政、人權和揭示中共的謊言。這些活動振動了北京當局。因此,曉波不但被監控,而且,多次被北京警察傳喚、抓走。難能可貴的是他身居中國大陸,卻不怕中共的多次打壓,挺身而出為張揚自由精神,維護全球作家的寫作生命和精神自由,捍衛他們的寫作出版權利,保證其作品的自由傳播發出聲音。
Moreover, ICPC held a seminar in Chengdu on April 23, 2005, in which writers Saluted to Liu Binyan and all overseas writers-in-exile. During this period, ICPC members in Beijing, Chengdu, Nanjing, Guiyang and other cities in China promoted constitutionalism, human rights and exposed the lies of the CCP by means of Reading Clubs. These activities shocked the authorities in Beijing. Therefore, Xiaobo was not only monitored, but also summoned and taken away by Beijing police many times. What is commendable is that even though he lived in mainland China, he was not afraid of the CCP’s repeated harassment and suppression. He stood up to promote the spirit of freedom, safeguard the writers’ physical and spiritual freedom, defend their writing and publishing rights, and ensure the free dissemination of their works.
《 Democratic China 》 was founded in April 1990. In October 2006, due to the retirement of Su Xiaokang, Liu Xiaobo, Zhang Zuhua and I jointly took over the 《 Democratic China 》 electronic journal, dedicated to accumulating civic strength, tearing down the iron wall of autocracy, and building China into a free, democratic, and constitutional country . During these 17 years, Liu Xiaobo was martyred, Zhang Zuhua has been under house arrest, and batches of mainland Chinese authors and signers of “Charter 08” were punished by the CCP authorities for their words, some of them were thrown into prison, and even persecuted to death. However, China’s constitutional activities are still continuously happen one after another. On World Human Rights Day last year, the co-signers of “Charter 08” published the “43rd batch of signatures”. The number of signatures have exceeded 14,000.
As early as 2005, Liu Xiaobo pointed out : “The future of free China lies in the people”. This has profoundly affected and changed the decision-making of the US government. Today, the US government has changed its hope for changes in the CCP system, and has instead emphasized the separation of the Chinese government from the Chinese people. As Liu Xiaobo said before his death: “When the consciousness of rights and freedom among the Chinese people is awakened, the fundamental hope of promoting China’s reform lies not in the government but in the people.”
A pen that shocked the imperial capital,
a heroic soul cleansed by freedom’s storm.
Liu Xiaobo is no longer among us,
But through his successors constitutional government will be born.
Liu Xiaobo always lives with us!
本文作者:蔡楚 cai chu , 民主中國主編 Editor-in-chief, Democratic China ; 獨立中文筆會會長President, Independent Chinese PEN Center