文/Never Again. Right Now 譯/廖天琪
譯者按:2008年中國舉辦夏季奧運會之前,答應國際社會將改善境內的人權狀況,但事後證明,人權惡化更為加劇。2022年2月北京將舉辦冬奧,如今全球的反對抗議之聲不絕於耳,各種人權團體紛紛發動抵制北京冬奧的行動。由德國的人權組織「現在就說不」(Never Again. Right Now)發起了一個抵制北京冬奧的火炬接力活動,於10月18〜24日之間在柏林開始,火炬在雅典開始點燃,然後傳遍全世界。邀請全球的城市一同在此時展開這項火炬傳遞的行動。目前除了柏林,還有巴黎、維爾紐斯、維也納、漢諾威、倫敦、阿姆斯特丹、里斯本、布魯塞爾、布拉格、日內瓦、洛桑等城市響應。歡迎每個城市都有熱心的人們自發組織起來,參與活動。
不同的示威活動將通過數字火炬的傳遞連接起來,通過城市的現場直播匯集在一起。社交媒體活動將使世界各地的人們有機會參與該活動,並表達各地對我們正義運動的支持。匯總全球力量,向參與贊助奧運者表明,我們將在各地各國奪回奧運,因為我們相信,仍然可能實現對北京 2022 年冬季奧運會的外交抵制。
RECLAIM THE OLYMPICS– the humanistic torch relay
The idea of the Olympics is to contribute to a better and peaceful world.
In advance of the games themselves, a torch is carried through the world – spreading the light of peace, fairness and solidarity.
However, the propaganda show run by Chinese Communist Party is betraying the spirit of the Olympics – a torch run, running away from the truth on the ongoing human rights abuses of the Uyghurs in Xinjiang.
That’s why we’re here to reclaim the Olympics and shine a light on China’s genocide, while too much of the world looks away.
Our torch run will bring back the spirit of humanity and solidarity, running as one to support the fight against genocide and liberate the people oppressed by Beijing’s politics of total control.
During one day, together with local partners, we want to hold demonstrations in big cities all over the world, starting in Athens.
Every demonstration will consist of speeches and a torch run of several hundred meters.
We invited people from sports, politics and culture to join forces in calling out these Genocide Games, and we would love you to join our movement and become a building block on the path to move the Olympics from China.
The different demonstrations will be connected through a digital torch passing and brought together by a live broadcast following the torch through the cities. A social media campaign will give people all over the world the opportunity to engage in the event and show their support for our justice movement. With a global mass we want to underline and address local and national claims to the responsible stakeholders, because we still believe that it is possible to achieve a diplomatic boycott of the Winter Olympics 2022 in Beijing.
Together, we will win.
Contact: https://www.facebook.com/events/424599359383477?ref=newsfeed
Michael Ushakov: m.ushakov@gmx.de